Moms and dads everywhere have my respect. I know how hard and scary it is to learn to be a good parent. But, you know who just straight up blows my mind? Stepparents. Especially those who had never had...
There is nothing quite like watching people's eyes light up after they've asked me what my kids are doing for the summer, and I say that they're going to spend a few weeks in Ardmore with my parents. "What...
Look, I have a big mouth and a quick wit, but I utilize those tools with the same gusto I employ when I buy orange Tic Tacs and pretend I'm not going to eat the whole box before we...
Friend, I see you, heartbroken and feeling left empty. You put the work into your marriage, believed the best of your spouse, thought things were okay, and yet he ultimately left you and is with someone else. It's not fair. Some...
This post is part of our True Life series where OKC moms are sharing real trials & tribulations they have gone through as mothers, as wives, and as women.  There's no instruction manual on how to go through infidelity. When...
Many moons ago, I made the decision to quit watching Romantic Comedies. It wasn't something I announced; it wasn't something I demanded others must do. I quietly stopped watching them, and I stopped suggesting them to my husband when...
I'll be the first to admit that it's hard to plan a date night.   A romantic date night for us usually consists of going to the grocery store kid free.  However with Valentine's Day approaching, I thought it would be...
As a lawyer, I often encounter people in the worst moments of their lives. Many times in a consultation, people pour out their pain, their struggles with issues of domestic violence and/or abuse at home or with a significant...
Husbands. You love 'em and sometimes you want to hate 'em. They do so many awesome and wonderful things for us so it's hard not to love them, but sometimes, there's no amount of wonderfulness and awesomeness that can save...
In celebration of Father's Day this year we thought we'd bring you some very special guest contributors - our husbands!  We hope you enjoy this unique view into #dadlife from the men in our lives.  The history of humanity’s ability...
  Turn on the TV and you'd think the typical American dad is a lazy, sex-obsessed, golf playing bumbling buffoon who can barely hold down a job.   For example, I was flipping through channels the other day when a bleach commercial came on....
My Dearest Daughter, There are two versions to the story of How I Met Your Father. The first is this: We were introduced by a mutual friend! The second is this: We were introduced by a mutual Groovy's. Now, if you haven't been to...

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