Identity Crisis  Before I became a full-time stay-at-home-mom, I felt like I had an identity. I know as a Christian, my true identity is a child of God. But you know what I mean. I was the Director of Creative...
Kid birthday parties have always been my jam. I love attending the birthday parties of my friends' kids and nieces and nephews. I love planning my kids' parties. I love the socializing, the singing, the decorating, the creative cakes,...
I’m a certified personal trainer (cPT), and I’d like to say, you are not obligated to profess your exercise or nutrition habits to me in casual conversation or upon first meeting me and hearing what I do for a...
Often as moms, we are surrounded by negativity. Memes that say things like, “I love being around my kids as long as they aren't sick, or tired, or hungry, or whiny” abound on the Internet. People who aren't parents talk...
I started writing this intending to lay out a few good tips for holiday decorating to make your house feel magical around the holidays. While I do have some good tips I could share to make your home look...
If moving and relocating weren't such ubiquitous aspects of today's society, my first tip for moving with kids would be: DON'T DO IT. Ever. For any reason. Think: packing for a family vacation on steroids. Your belongings are literally...
If you’re like most of America right now, you’ve been swept up in the newest de-clutttering craze thanks to a certain show on Netflix. My husband has been Kondo-crazy since we watched the first episode of Tidying Up. As...
Have twins they said. It will be fun, they said.  Okay, actually no one said that and we obviously had zero choice in the matter, but from the day I heard the words, "oh good, it's ONLY twins," my world...
  Love is in the air and couples are proclaiming their love for each other on social media. Parents are getting notes about parties and decorating boxes to bring to school. All this can only mean one thing; Valentine's Day...

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