You know those people that start counting down the number of weeks until Christmas in July and don't mind holiday decorations making appearances in stores before Halloween? Yeah, that's not me. In fact, I'm kind of a bah humbug mom. I took...
It's the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season is filled with family, peppermint, lights, and magic, but it's not without its controversies! "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"? Dare I mention....the Starbucks cup? Perhaps the most polarizing of...
Christmas is hard, you guys. I absolutely love the holiday season, but navigating the month of December as a stay-at-home mom whose budget is already stretched just a bit too thin... Let's just say I'm stress-eating a lot of tree-shaped butter...
I got the holiday bug early this year and my mind went straight to Christmas. I find it hard not to get SUPER excited for Christmas now that I have little ones. So I did this project and put it...
  To the moms who share their birthday with the holidays, this is for you. Why? Well because I know growing up pre-social media it was even harder than it is now to have the birthday you wanted as a...
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh, what fun it is to be a family in OKC! There are so many festive attractions to see and events to attend this month! Don't let the stress of the holidays...
  The holidays are so magical, even with all the hustle and bustle.  There seems to be a lot of stress built-in with present giving and all the parties you are planning or attending and all the things to check...
"He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness' sake!" If ever there were words to straighten up a child's errant behavior in December, you're...
The holiday season is here (or as I like to call it "eating season.") While the memories made and family time are always awesome in hindsight, the reality of them can be a tad stressful. I'm no expert at...
We are thrilled to be partnering with Keep It Local to bring you this Holiday Gift Guide! Keep It Local exists for one simple reason - to help people discover the best local spots in town. With a Keep...
Turkey, cranberry, stuffing, and more... I'm stuffed just thinking about it. Thanksgiving is the holiday where it's not only socially acceptable, but encouraged to bring your maternity pants down from the attic and take full advantage of that glorious,...
The first year we were married, I dragged my husband (against his better judgment) out to Black Friday craziness with me. I had seen a few door buster deals in the ads on Thanksgiving Day that I felt were...

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