Setting aside time to pamper yourself is never a bad thing...and something moms don't get to do near enough!!  For this giveaway, Mom-preneur Ashley Myers with Arbonne has this Pampermint Foot Care Gift Set (a $50 value) up for...
If I only had a life-size eraser…. I would use it until there was nothing left. Some days as a mother, wife, and employee I would like to call a do-over or crawl back under the covers. Unfortunately, I...
Did you catch Morgandi's The Mom. The Myth. The Bod. Part 1?  Check it out and then read on to learn about her tips for the postpartum woman. Rules that she's lived by and tips she's passed on to...
Have you heard of Emily's Craft House?  Are you recalling an awesome wreath from our Cutest Thunder Fan contest, by chance? Well, let me introduce you anyway.  Emily's Craft House offers all sorts of ways to help you create crafts...
The Oklahoma City Zoo doesn't really need an introduction.  With it's fantastic children's zoo, new baby giraffe, a vast elephant habitat and much more, who wouldn't want to spend hours there? For this giveaway, the Oklahoma City Zoo was generous...
When my husband and I were spending the most time getting to know each other, it was through instant messaging (that good ‘ole MSN Messenger…who remembers that?!) or when he called my dorm room phone from his first cell...
This is part one of a two part series! Spending 9 months or so becoming nice, round and plump is all fun and games when you're pregnant. Who doesn't enjoy the extra poundage when you are incubating a tiny, little...
Have you ever wanted a personal stylist or shopper to help you figure out what in the world to wear?  OKC Moms, do not look any further.  We have the inside track to Jamie, a fabulous gal here in...
Last Thursday night, several of you fabulous moms joined us in celebrating our launch of Oklahoma City Moms Blog at Apricot Lane, a cute little boutique in Penn Square Mall.  Being the resident "Oklahoma new girl", I had never...
This is part two of a two part series. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap! I don't mean to sound like a baby chick, but I love that word “cheap”.  It means I met my goal of buying something at a ridiculously good deal! Not...
I am always on the lookout for cute, birthday party invites and Christmas cards...but I don't want mine to look like everyone else!  That's why you should check out Brooklyn Gracey Design!  Creater Allie Moore started this design shop...
Ah the witching hour. I’m not sure if every child has this, but mine certainly does. This is the time of day when my toddler insists on being attached to my legs or right behind my feet. This is...

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