“Mom, what’s for dinner?” We’ve all heard it probably at least a thousand times in our motherhood lifetime. And we’ll likely hear it a thousand more. I don’t mind dinnertime. Now had you asked me that when my 3...
::Disclosure:: This is a sponsored post for the consignment sale, To A New Children's Consignment Sale. In addition, Maria and Kara received a small gift for shopping at this sale. However, all opinions are 100% their own.:: Maria I love going to...
Christmas time is full of traditions in our family: the cookies, the decorations, the ornaments, the holiday movies, the activities, the music. It can be a sensory overload at times! And while we SAY it's more important to give...
Starting today through Sunday, November 30th, we will be taking a "turkey break" to spend some time with our families!  We hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday and eat lots of delicious food, get crazy shopping done on Black...
If you turn on your television at any point during the day, it is easy to see that our world is very focused on materialism and less on being content and thankful. My kids can hardly watch 30 minutes...
“And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.” - L. Bray. Let's talk about that for a second, one gesture, one person, one moment in time. It's not everyday that we get the...
**Each Friday, starting Nov 7 and for the next 7 weeks, we will be posting a new blog post about breastfeeding and several different journeys our team has experienced.** Breastfeeding is the strangest, most wonderful thing I have ever been blessed...
It's coming ... are you ready? The day after Thanksgiving, or better known as Black Friday. Did you know the day's name originated in Philadelphia where it originally was used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle...
Let's start out by taking a quick poll.  Raise your hand if you love getting mail.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most of your hands are raised.  I LOVE getting mail.  I love...
With the Halloween candy overload and Christmas craziness already taking up 90% of the stores, it's hard to keep selfishness at bay and have a grateful heart--even though Thanksgiving is right around the corner. And I say that as...
During November, I spend a lot of time thinking about the good things in my life, the things I overlook on a day-to-day basis but that are always there making life better nonetheless. I am grateful for my children...
With the holidays coming up in a rush, I can't help but start to think about all the traditions that we long to continue or create. Over the past few years, I've had this idea floating around in my head...

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