"I didn't think I'd ever be in this room." These were the first words I uttered while looking at my therapist through eyes blurred by tears. "Most people don't. You are not alone." These were the words I needed to hear.  The...
*Disclaimer: I am not a certified fitness professional.  I'm just a mom who found her inner athlete and feels better about herself and wants you to do the same! After having 3 babies I found myself where most moms do....
I remember my former life, before kids. I used to go to a building every day. Sit and drink my coffee while turning my computer on and getting ready for my class to arrive. Before that, I was a...
They are with you wherever you go. You see them daily. Sometimes they annoy you and get in the way, but you are grateful for their purpose in your life. And yet you often don't treat them well. I'm...
As mothers, and women in general, we seem to be tasked with taking care of those around us. While few of us look at this as a chore, we can probably all agree a little help is always welcome....
Dear chin hair, I remember when we first met. I had just given birth to my daughter and my hormones were all out of whack. You certainly weren’t sympathetic upon arrival. Adjusting to life with a new baby and trying not...
I have Lupus. Don’t feel bad if you’ve heard the word but don’t completely understand what it is. That’s pretty common, in fact that is how I was right up until the day that I was diagnosed. In short,...
Have you heard the story of Kristi Gordon, the Canadian meteorologist who received hate mail for the maternity clothes she wears during newscasts? If you haven’t, take a moment to watch the video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Eh8eunMK-k Not only did Kristi have to...
The art of packing a suitcase may have been a list obsession in my family.  By obsession, I mean, my dad and brother were good at it and it drove them nuts that the females of the family were...
Spring makes me all kinds of happy. It's a season that I actually enjoy being outside because it's not blistering cold or burning hot. The weather for an Oklahoma spring may be a bit all over the place, but...
My son is three and has been really getting into Legos lately.  I’m sure the Lego Movie is mostly to thank for that but my husband and I have been kind of excited about this new interest.  We don’t...
The other day I was talking to my husband about my son thinking we had bulletproof windows. The  conversation that followed got me thinking about some of things I've said since having kids that I NEVER thought would ever...

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