Tenia Skinner

Tenia Skinner
Hi, I'm Tenia! I’m a certified Personal Trainer of 11+ years, with a masters in Kinesiology - specializing in Geriatric Exercise Science, a mother to two spunky kids, and wife to a weatherman. We are a food allergy family that believes in the power of education, advocacy and inclusion always, and particularly in and around food allergies. I enjoy spending time recreating recipes so they are safe and delicious for our family's needs, and getting our children involved in baking, cooking and grocery shopping to hopefully instill confidence, creativity, and enjoyment in the kitchen. When we’re not in the kitchen, you can usually find our family outdoors, exploring, making messes and memories. To see what more we are into you can follow @tenia_bird2.0.

Snack Swaps for a Peanut-Free Classroom

Summer break is coming to an end, and for some, school is already back in full force. As I try to process where summer went, I am also trying to wrap my head around...

We’re A Biracial Family: This is How We Teach Our Kids About Diversity

One of the most beautiful things about being human is that we are all different.  We come in different shapes and sizes, colors and textures, we speak different languages and eat different foods, have different...

Getting Outdoors Safely in a Heat Wave

Summertime in Oklahoma brings the heat and humidity. The heat can feel relentless and can make if difficult to enjoy spending time outdoors or much less leaving the comfort of your own home. To not...

My Child has Food Allergies – This is How We Navigate Holidays

Holidays can be challenging for a food allergy family like ours, as many of our societal holidays and gatherings are structured around food! I'm sure if you think back to your childhood and choose a...

Early Rising: the Battle We Stopped Fighting

Sleep. Maybe the number one or top two things parents of young kids talk about.  “What time do your kids go to bed?” What time do they wake up?” Are they “good” sleepers?” Since birth...

A Little Dirt Won’t Hurt

My kids love dirt. Anything messy, muddy, sticky, wet, wild chaos, they love it. And I let them. I very rarely say no to making messes. Which is probably why they like it so much - because...

How to Get Your Reading Groove Back

Years ago I would have described myself as a frequent reader.  Before college and graduate school sucked the reading for pleasure joy out of me, and before books about little blue trucks, curious monkeys,...

Confessions of a Personal Trainer

I’m a certified personal trainer (cPT), and I’d like to say, you are not obligated to profess your exercise or nutrition habits to me in casual conversation or upon first meeting me and hearing...