Monthly Archives: December 2015

Spontaneity Kid Care- Better Than Babysitters

Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post for Spontaneity Kid Care.  However, all opinions are 100% our own and we stand by Spontaneity Kid Care...

She Didn’t Like Her Baby Brother

It's been two weeks since our little boy was born, and my daughter was officially given the title of Big Sister.  Since finding out...

I Suck At Elf On The Shelf

I love the Christmas season.  I love the cold weather, shiny paper, presents, and watching Christmas movies.  I can't get enough of the family...

Your OKC Advent Activity Calendar {Free Printable!}

The first Christmas my husband and I were married, I bought this little house advent calendar from Target.They still sell them and they're super...

5 Reasons Why We Became Foster Parents

  Early in our dating relationship, my husband and I discussed adoption as something God had placed on our hearts. We were 17. It felt...