Monthly Archives: May 2015

Packing For Your Kids {FREE Printable}

The art of packing a suitcase may have been a list obsession in my family.  By obsession, I mean, my dad and brother were...

Pick-Your-Own Farms & Orchards around OKC

Spring makes me all kinds of happy. It's a season that I actually enjoy being outside because it's not blistering cold or burning hot....

DIY Lego Table

My son is three and has been really getting into Legos lately.  I’m sure the Lego Movie is mostly to thank for that but...

From A Mother with Boys: 10 Things I Never Thought I’d...

The other day I was talking to my husband about my son thinking we had bulletproof windows. The  conversation that followed got me thinking...

I Didn’t Equate To Kate After Delivery

I, along with the rest of the world, watched as the beautiful and poised Kate Middleton left the hospital with her gorgeous baby girl....

Love From the Inside Out

Last week, I took my 3 year old swim suit shopping.  When we got back with her new suit, she couldn't wait to try it on....

Are You There Mom? It’s Me, Jamie.

Dear Mom, I have written and re-written this letter fifty times. Somehow I don't have the words. I know you are now laughing because I...

OKC Spotlight: Kids Joining Eternity

At Oklahoma City Moms Blog we feel there are incredible not-for-profit organizations and resources right here in our community. They support different needs of OKC families,...

{Hayley} A Letter to My Twins

Dear A + S, There are moments in life that capture you and never let you go. For me that moment was almost 3 years ago...

Showing Our Thanks {Teacher Appreciation Week}

Where do we even begin in showing appreciation to the teacher's of the world? A big ol' Thank You with a big ol' hug...

Your Pregnant Mother’s Day Counts

I don’t think I will ever forget the comment made to me on the Mother’s Day before my son was born.  I was 8...

{Lindsay} To my Mom on Mother’s Day

"We don't need a stinkin' man!" That's what you always said as we made the fourth and fifth holes in the wall trying to...