Maycember Madness: 3 Tips to Navigate the End of the Year Hustle

As we head into the last month of school my brain has turned foggy, and what was once organized chaos has turned into unorganized chaos. I feel like I am doing the hokey pokey dance, one foot in this and one hand in that.

I know kids lose focus and fade towards the end of the year, but moms are raising their hands high saying me too!

From end of the year projects and tests to field trips and class parties, I feel like I’m scrambling to look for this SignUp Genius, that permission slip or referring to a GroupMe about a lost spelling list. To the moms who save the day for all of us, thank you. Most importantly, let’s shine the light on the teachers who are holding our kids together and holding their own patience together. Then, there’s the homeroom moms. Not only are they corralling their kids, but they are also organizing end of year parties and teacher gifts. There is money to be collected, supplies to be bought, gifts to put together and sometimes a last day of school “extravaganza”. We are all overwhelmed and it truly takes a village to finish strong.

Not only is it end of school, but we are also in the thick of spring sports, tournaments, performances and recitals. I’m learning to be a master peanut butter sandwich maker. Line’em up, butter’em up and toss’em in a baggie and dinner on-the-go is served.

Now let’s discuss summer camps and summer schedules. I’m in denial summer break is actually coming. It’s like a full time job planning for the summer (especially if you have multiple kids). Who, what and where and with what friends. Don’t forget the planning for any summer trips or weekends away. You will probably need a vacation after that vacation.

The silver lining to all this hustle and the end of the school year? It brings (slightly) slower schedules, late nights, sleeping in, less sports, less commitments and more time with our kids. This is where some good memories are made.

So, with one more month left, hang on to the monkey bar; don’t go down the summer slide yet, we have a lot left to do!

Three tips to prevent the Maycember Madness:

1.) STICK TO THE SCHEDULE: Write it down everywhere. Write it on the fridge, in your planner or in your phone reminders. Plan lunches the rest of the year, and start getting gifts, cards and supplies as early as you can so you aren’t scrambling at the last minute. If you’re ordering anything custom, better get on it now.

2.) EARLY BEDTIMES: We are all exhausted right now and that means earlier bedtimes or more melt downs, you pick.

3.) GET OUTSIDE: Get some fresh air and try to limit electronic time. They just add to the overstimulation.

As we wrap up another school year, remember to take the photos or videos. This will be their last month in this grade! Next year they will be older and it’s one less summer we have with them before they fly away on their own.

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Richelle Byrne
Richelle is originally from Minnesota and moved to Oklahoma in 1998! She now resides in Arcadia with her husband of 15 years and 4 boys (10,8,6 and 1). She also has a stepdaughter who is 23 and is getting married this year! Richelle is going on her 20th year in the real estate industry and enjoys helping many families obtain the dream of owning or selling a home. In her free time, she enjoys being outside exploring with her family, having movie nights, lunch dates with friends and working out at Orangetheory. One day she hopes to live on some land and own a cow!


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