Educate and Graduate – With Love

As moms, we are all on the same path. We all have the same goal. We all want to nurture and care for our children. We all educate and graduate our children from their diapers to the potty, from learning their names to finishing school. As moms, we are our kids’ first teachers.

The most important thing is to make sure our kids are loved. 

I just want to remind all the moms that we have been there. No one’s story is the same, but we can relate on some level. In some form or fashion, we are moms and we have a huge influence on our kids, as well as those around us. It is easy to get caught up in our own lives, but everyone needs a little help now and then. I am trying to be better at looking beyond myself about noticing others. It is hard asking for help, but I want to challenge myself (and you!) to be aware of others who might need help too. 

I think we can all agree that we wear our mom badge proudly. Putting on a brave face while trying to keep it all tidy, trying to hold it together. It is our job to take care of everyone else but what do we do when we need help? I’m sure we have all seen the struggling mom in the grocery store or airport, and I really hate to see that drowning look in others. I just want to go over, give them a hug and say hang in there.  

Everyone’s journey is unique, and parenthood looks different for each of us. There are various stages and milestones, but it is not a race. It should be a team effort. I hope you have a good support system and if you don’t, I want to encourage you to find one immediately. Community and camaraderie are essential to set you and your children up for success. 

This post is a reminder to myself more than anything. I get so tired by the end of the day that I am more ready for bed than my kids. Sometimes it’s hard for me to even know what to do next, but I try to remember what is the most important thing right now.

It is difficult to not make everything a competition or to be envious of others. The only thing we should be comparing ourselves to is who we were yesterday. I think it is great to try new things and learn something new every day. I want to do my best for my kids, but until I know better, I can’t do better. This is why I try to continually learn things, mostly from my mistakes! 

We might not be able to change the entire world, but maybe our corner of the world? We each know what our priorities are and should keep our eye on the goal and big picture. It is important to surround yourself with like-minded people to help you to grow and push you outside your comfort zone. 

Yes, we all want the best for our kids but eventually, they will grow up, which is the goal. We want them to learn to walk and tie their shoes. I hope they pass their classes and get their driver’s license.  We want them to be happy and healthy today as children, and in the future as adults.

One of these days they might grow up before I am ready, but today and every day, I am going to make sure my kids know they are loved. 

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Kayla Carroll
My name is Kayla, I am a wife, and mother of three. My kids are the best, and I'm not biased at all! I have a son, who's 7, and two girls that are 4 and almost 1. I love my family. I also have an adorable dog and lots of extended family, that all live here in Oklahoma. I am an Okie girl born and raised but I love to travel and see the world. When my husband and I were married we moved to California. We moved back here in 2016, after my husband finished serving with the United States Marine Corps. I have always loved it here and can really appreciate all it has to offer! I love reading and writing, raising my three kids, being outdoors when it's nice and staying in when it's not. I enjoy crocheting, photography, gardening, hiking, scrapbooking, and because I have to laundry, cooking, dishes and sweeping! Hope to see you around at a park or a grocery store!


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