Caitlynne Miller
Caitlynne is a SAHM to three energetic and adorable little boys, Paxton (10), Porter (8), and Lincoln (5). She married her high school sweetheart and they settled down in their hometown of Edmond, OK after a brief relocation to Durham, NC. Caitlynne enjoys family vacations, trying new restaurants, taking her boys on adventures, and watching the Office.
Complete Guide to Getting Outside With Kids | 25 Things to Do in OKC
I don't know about you, but we are craving a summer of doing ALL THE THINGS! Whether you aren't feeling great about indoor activities, or your kids just function better after a whole day...
In Defense of Valentine’s Day
I know what you're thinking, Valentine's Day is the worst.
It's a manufactured, Hallmark holiday that doesn't actually mean anything. If you really love someone, you should celebrate it every day. Chocolate and diamond companies...
The Big Kids Are at School…Now What?
The first day of school was an absolute whirlwind. After the first day pictures, and buttoning my oldest two boys into their handsome first-day outfits and the school's adorable tradition of the kindergarten "clap-in",...
Football is Life! The Rest is Just Details
Some people live and breathe football, and when their kids are old enough to make their own choices and decide they share that passion, those parents are absolutely LIVING THE DREAM! We talked to...
Flag Football and the Spark
My kids have never been the athletic ones. They've never mastered a cool sports move just from watching the professionals play. They aren't the kids that score the winning run or get picked first...
Confessions of a Homeroom Mom
With three kids, we're never early to anything.
But somehow, all the stars aligned and I picked out everyone's "softest shirt" on my first try and we were early to my first grader's information day....
How to Survive Your Kid’s Tonsillectomy Without Running Away to Guam
Does your kid snore like a trucker? Samesies. Maybe they have constant strep or sleep apnea. You know what might be in your future? A kind ENT looking you right in your eyeballs and...
We Don’t Deserve Teachers
We don't deserve teachers.
No, seriously, we don't.
They're underpaid and under-appreciated, and they show up anyway. They love the hard-to-love kids with every fiber of their beings and they lose sleep at night trying to...
Making Meals Into Memories
It’s early in the morning, I’m in my favorite fleece zip-up onesie and my bedhead is epic. I feel excited because today isn’t a regular day...I’m at Nana’s house! I can hear her bustling...
Ready For a Road Trip? We Know Just the Place.
The summer is flying past us and we're doing all we can to keep these kids busy and to make some magical memories! My kids LOVE a road trip, especially when there's a hotel...
5 Whole 30 Hacks for Busy Moms
So you've done it. You've made the bold and terrifying choice to start a Whole30 journey, and maybe you're freaking out a little. Been there. Done that.
Whole30 is an awesome eating plan. It helps...
Kickin’ It With Cordell
With three little boys who have played soccer, I was so excited to have the opportunity to chat with OKC Energy player, Cordell Cato and his wife, Jonelle Cato, who is also a soccer...